
I like Spring!

By xrspook @ 17:24:55 归类于: 烂日记

I like this template very much. Of course, it’s my work, especially the flash with smiling girl and the green seen every where. In my opinion, I even can smell the spring from it. We should use all our feeling to explore the world. It’s changing, even now I left it suddenly, the earth won’t stop, and drivers are also driving, and the mothers are cooking for her families as well. Nothing will be changed expect the future of myself. Don’t be silly, I won’t be that kinds of stupid. 

Wet weather is coming!!!! The floor is damp; the wall is damp, too. And I can see the clothes will be damp as well.

The deadline is coming; I will have my NCR (National Computer Rank Examination) on April 1. Will I be an April fool? Would anything cheat me at that time? I don’t know, even the God won’t know, because I steer myself. I don’t know how far I can achieve, yet no matter what, I will do my best. That’s really a good chance to strive for. Even Nadal defeated Federer yesterday, why not miracles happen again and again? He’s just 19 years old, there is bright future waiting for him, and I just a little elder and don’t have the ability at tennis as him, however, I believe I must be good at some place. Someone has said there is not rubbish in the world, and there is just some treasure misplaced instead. The potential won’t appear automatically; we should dip a deep hole then find it out and get it.

Never say giving up. Impossible is nothing. Our parent created our bodies, we make our mind. Just do it.

I hated spring, but now I should tell myself I like that season a bit. That’s all I can think about. If we want to live more optimistic, in some time we should tell some white lie to ourselves. We can’t completely deep into the imagine life, however, we should take advantage of that kind of psychic power.


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