
Academic Achievement

By xrspook @ 16:23:40 归类于: 烂日记

Today I saw my academic achievement of last term at last. Today is 09-01, but I have to face teh terrible result I made last term. In fact, the achievement has come out on internet for a long time, however, I didn’t have courage to face it, so, I chose a very stupid way – flee. But it’s know to all that paper can’t cover the fire, the truth will come out one day.

When I saw the number, can you imagine how horrible I was? It’s just 3.06, though it doesn’t includ two achievement of my Administration Manage and Architecture. I’m half sure that I will have good marks at both of them. No matter what, it’s not my excuse, I have no excurse to explain anything, I didn’t need to, the more I explain, the more guilty I feel. 

Looking at the the mark of every subject, I just could say "Shit", what I have done during that time! What I have done! Or what the teachers have done! Can’t believe that!

The most surprise was the tennis’s achievement. Why he treat me like that! I used so many time and paid all my heart at playing tennis, but the result is 89!!! What’s wrong? And when I compared my tennis achievement with others who didn’t pass the final test, I just higher 3 or 4 point than that. I paid more, but now, the result seemed not ajust to my hard working… He’s sure that the people who had passed and also went to there that day could have a etremely good mark, but in fact… I’m really very disappoint. Is it because I wrote a essay about him and printed some of his private photos  on internet which hadn’t ask him for request? I think he’s not that stint guy, but who know whether he is or not.

I imagined the tennis achievement must save me a lot before I read that paper, and now, it became the most grievous one, my heart is broken, I don’t know whether si the kid of the God, yet it’s really tough for me to face…

Other achievement are too terrbile, though some are still shining point of me, yet the ugly ones control all the result. So , so, you will know how terrible it is.

At last, I swear that I won’ t be  that xrspook anymore!!!


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