
Brand New Term

By xrspook @ 19:48:34 归类于: 烂日记

The first day, I slept till 11:15AM, lazy, too lazy. Though it’s not all my fault, I hadn’t no classes in the morning, I don’t know what should do, so, so… At the same time, I wasn’t tired at all, had be awake many tme, but all the roommate didn’t wake up, how could I…? 

The first class I met in this time was "A Course in Physices", how could its name like this!!! Anybody knows it’s a course, it’s useless to say "A Course in", just say "Physics" that’s enough. Or it maybe just translate all the words from Chinese "物理学教程".

And it’s no double of it that "physics" will be an important course to me this term. I have 3 classes of "A Course in Physics" and 2 classes of "Physical Experiment". That’s funny, I want to escape from physics, but it hugs me tighter and tighter.

The physics I learn, I can explain in an simple sentence, that is "The combination of  physics that I have learned before and the high maths". In my opinion(IMO for short), the knowledge I have learnt, but the way to explain the knowledge is new. The solution of problem is new face to me. The statement of the knowledge is one thing, but the example of the knowledge is another. The word you can understand easily, but the exercise will have its difficulty. The feeling of learning this physics is improve my expression to translate the old knowledge in a brand new way which I don’t understand very well. (用一个我还不大懂的方法去阐述以前的旧知识点) 

Have 3 physical classes in an afternoon, maybe it’s just the first time, feeling was not too bad. I didn’t think physics is a boring thing to me and I have never fell asleep in each of them before.(But when I was in XX [no SCAU] I never fell asleep in all the subjects)

And the name of the physical teacher is also funny to me "刘慧", a friend of my primery school. Of course it’s just the words by chance.

I think the story today must end up with physics, that’s:
物理释义——中国学者译物理为“格致学”:“格物致知, 诚意,正心,修身,齐家,治国,平天下”

1 条评论

  1. TeddyBear

    xrspook 对 TeddyBear 的回复: 2006-07-30 13:55:14



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