
Be humanistic, could they?

By xrspook @ 20:50:25 归类于: 烂日记

Again and again, still the same. Who am I? What am I doing now? What kinds of person I am? Forget weekends, and then forget all the people except workmates! I am a person with some problem, which could not solve by me. I have no choice. And have lost control, I just a puppet… Didn’t work for money, didn’t work for dream, didn’t work for someone, and what did I work for? I don’t know.

We are social person, not machine.

Be humanistic, could they? At least I think working are not everything in life, and thousand of million of billion money is not the only target of everyone.

Forget it, forgive me, do something, for the people who have lose in working…

4 条评论

  1. 落清

    没事的,这是你心潮低落期。总感觉似乎对什么都无关紧要,感觉什么都None of My business,感觉自己的只身穿梭在这座千万人口的孤城中…
    过些日子就会好的。Come on,To Be yourself.
    xrspook 对 落清 的回复: 2009-04-18 18:31:49

  2. 落清

    xrspook 对 落清 的回复: 2009-04-19 09:17:37

  3. 荒岛余生

    The world will still run without anyone. What did you work for? For yourself, for duty.
    There will be someone do your work if you don’t. The company will not close down without you. However, be yourself, do your job, for your duty.
    Everyone have to do their hard yard.
    xrspook 对 荒岛余生 的回复: 2009-04-19 09:23:18
    You are right, I work for duty, but not myself, and everyone else, of course not for other things. I really hope the company still run without me even in a day or two. However, I couldn’t stand others in chaos because of the absence of me, maybe I’m too kind-hearted.

  4. 荒岛余生

    After several graduates join the company for years, why some of them could promoted to manager? Because they are not finish their own duty, they are one step ahead than others. It depends how you define "your own duty". When you can do your own, and manage someone else, you will nor far from promoted.
    xrspook 对 荒岛余生 的回复: 2009-04-19 19:47:25
    I just want to do my best to do something. That’s my only dream and the highest target.


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