
Time to Change

By xrspook @ 20:02:00 归类于: 烂日记

It’s time to change!!! I know I go to be strong. Nobody could ask me to do that, however the fate tells me that is my way.

Today, my teacher told me something that I had known one day she would do it. You know my essay always too long, because so many sentences are too loosened and many words can be omitted. I didn’t have confidence to say that I till stay at the same level as one years ago. All I had learned in university is how to press myself to write more in English last term. I can easily finish an English essay however they are not perfect at all. They just like the comprehensions which are written by little children. I said too much useless words!!!!

In my opinion it’s a bad thing from head to toe. When I use this style to write my daily is possible. Nobody can think out some great idea and theory everyday. If I do the same thing when I am testing that must be a big problem. The thing I think and the thing I say is far from the thing I must write in formal write. I always mix oral English with formal English. On internet, I’m of course can do that, but use the kind of essays to the exam no one will find out your shining point, I will just a plain James as others. As a result, I have to change, polish myself, I can be better. Even though I am not a person who asks for perfect, yet no one can stand still. To be stronger, to be more wonderful is my target. In this school, I can loose in any subject except English. I still keep my bright idea in mind, the things I have done was not enough. 

I didn’t work for the result of that exam, however, without the certificate of that exam, I mean nothing, that’s not the only way to prove myself, but it must be one of them. So, that’s what I want to say not. 

I’m still young, I still have time to change, and moreover, I must change!!!!!


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