
Welcome Fleshmen

By xrspook @ 19:02:00 归类于: 烂日记

In fact, I don’t know what I have done today. I did nothing except standing there and chatting with classmates. Before this, I really thought that I could get an unforgettable social experience from it, but now, I got nothing or I had to say that I lost a beautiful morning which I could go to sleep or surfing online.

You know, before it happened, I paid a lot of attention at it, even though I should get up at 5:15AM. Last night I got the message from one classmate that she said I had to arrive at Five Hills Students Apartment to welcome the new schoolmates at 7:00AM. The message was sent at 10:20PM, at that time I was at home, and 100% couldn’t go back there at night. So I had no choice but got up early in the morning. I didn’t know whether I could arrive on time, even at that situation I still didn’t give up, I still tried my best.

If I got there late, no one could scold at me. It’s my principle that I don’t want to be late, and especially at this situation. I looked it as important as having classes, or in my opinion, it maybe more important than anything of my academic achievement.

However, the fact really make me disappointed. There were too many people that everyone almost had nothing to do. And the new schoolmates almost arrived at all at the earlier two days.

Wearing the Class Clothe I felt very pround. But, no matter what, I even felt I lose the face of my class or the face of my college. As the older one to the newers, I can’t believe I feel shy, and even be worried about communication. I don’t know how to start the topic, what I am? Am I just a hero in the internet but a completely loser in the really life? I lost everything including my confidence.

I wrote the essay before my Intercultural Communication class, and now, I feel happy after taking my first class. It makes me calm down. With English, I feel like home, and forget the busy study, but sometimes I will think about my computer, my blog and my translation of EcoModa. I like them.

Where is my Friday?

1 条评论

  1. heather

    well done!
    xrspook 对 heather 的回复: 2007-06-15 01:19:58
    Just so so.


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