
All Day in Mathematic

By xrspook @ 14:55:58 归类于: 烂日记

All day in maths, it seemed very terrible, however, I can’t fight, I can’t flee, I have to learn how to face. Tomorrow is the exams of mathematic and organic chemistry. So, I have no choice but this.

You know, I’m really afraid the maths’s examination since I was in middle school. At that time, I was afraid I couldn’t get a good mark, but now, I’m afraid I can’t pass- hit the lowest limit. I have spent all day in it, till now, I still can’t find some eager to it, I have no feeling about it, that’s the problem. I don’t know how to do the exercise, but actually I am not. The question is I can’t bring up my confidence about it, it’s much far away from the normal me.

No matter I can’t find some feeling or not, I have to stop very soon, I can’t forgive my organic chemistry because the maths. What can I do?

I don’t know whether is worthy or not? To be continue or not to be. Both of them I can’t forgive, time is limited, what can I do?

1 条评论

  1. 周XX

    xrspook 对 周XX 的回复: 2006-07-29 20:49:36


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