
Is Failure a Bad Thing? (publish on weekend)

By xrspook @ 8:48:09 归类于: 想当年的作业

Even the greatest personality will make some wrong dicisions. As a result, failure is very common to everybody. The lucky Godness won't always comes with you.

I failure a bad thing or good thing? Many people have plenty of different opinions about it. Some of them will think that failure really hurt them, comsequantly, they will fall down and never stand up again at that point. Of course, these person won't think failure is a good thing. On the other hand, the optimistic person will always believe, the failure is just a reward, however, the most important thing is the process. He had enjoyed the process, that's enough. Or they will have a excuse to themselves that the failure is the mother of success.

In my opinion, we should know how to face failure in a right angle. First of all, we should find out the reason of our failure, and then do some anglytical research get some experience. This realistic thing can make sure that we won't fail at the same point next time. Meanwhile, most of time, we can't be so calm and do this scientific thing. We can't omit the negative feeling naturally. So at that time, we should learn how to recover ourselves. Though someone will laugh at us that we are just cheating ourselves, yet who will still look you down when you are sucessful next time. If you can control you emotion very well, you must be a strong person.

In a word, I personally think, failure can be a bad thing or good thing, and the final decision is made by yourself. "A man can be destroyed but can't be defeatd." With strong ambition, the failure can break it down? So, failure couldn't be a bad thing to a optimistical man.


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