
Gray Day

By xrspook @ 19:49:01 归类于: 烂日记

Do you know how gray today!!!

In this season, yesterday it didn't rain, too many clouds in the sky, and the pressure of the air is very high. If this situation doesn't change in a while, the result will be that all the people feel unconfortable.

Though today is thursday, and the afternoon is coming. I won't have time to let it rain at once, and dry again in an hour. Maybe, the only result is I must stand this kind of weather or it rain and the tennis classes be cancelled. I have no choice, I just can choose the first one, raining is not a good thing to me and to the people haven't passed in tennis test. Conflict is in my mind. And still have another good change, that is suddenly have a big wind, blowing away the clouds, and let the pressure lower. However, this kind of thing seem impossible except the God really know my thinking and this essay.

When I am writing the wind below, the curtain is really flying again and again, and never stop, jsut like obey my words. Mircale, isn't it?

Almost every Thursday noon, I have a short time to communicate with God. Is he free now, and has time to listen to a nobody? No matter whether or not, I will trite my diray as well. At this time, I found I would wish a lot of things. Most of them were about the weather. I don't know why, maybe unconsciously I think the God cna control it well than others, and I can't do any of it, so I hope he can help me. All ot my wish is good and up, I never want to hurt anybody. I just ask for justin and sunny, under that things, I hope the world can be better.

Whether I will be in trouble or tired is not important, the most important thing is it must be right thing, and be good for most people. About the examination, we can't escape, if we really do ti, we just tell lies to ourselves.

Why not face it directly?

Gray day, it really a gray day, but I believe, the God know how to make it.


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