
High Speed Computer

By xrspook @ 18:39:34 归类于: 烂日记

Gee, the computers of our classroom didn’t install Dreamweaver or Frontpage still. So stupid me bringing the thick Dreamweaver self-learning book there.

And a little sinterlude happened before the computer experiment classes this morning, I was on the half way to classroom, at that moment it’s just 15 minutes to had our class. I had no choice but turned back to apartment and brought the diaries or it must waste a lot of time in doing nothing.

Thank goodness!! I arrived the class in time, and when I got there, it’s just 2 minutes to class begin. Am I a alian? If I don’t arrive in time, no one knows, because the teacher appears a few minutes every class, she won’t know a student is not there. Yet, I don’t want to be late, last Saturday, I had been late at the Red Cross Report Meeting, I don’t want that thing happen again. No matter what cost, no matter how tired I will be, no matter what difficult problem I meet, no matter what, I must exist in time.

At the beginning of the class, the teacher asked us find something to type in 15 minutes. That’s great! That’s what I want! I can type my diaries withou any afraid, and put all my heart in typing, no one will disturrb me, as they were busy typing theirs too. The teacher said it’s a little quiz, everyone did their best. And at last, she didn’t note anything, but she gave me soime praize for my speed. A little happy, and then forgot in a short time, because I know my speed is not enough, and I must use a lot of time to retype or check the things I have type. The result showed 2223 characters in 15 minutes including 556 words. I used 1 hours to type 4 diaries, each of them has about 500 words, how I can write so much things in English everyday????

The speed of computer there are really perfect. You just need a second to open Word or RealOne Play, and just need 3 seconds to open a big software such as Photoshop or Flash MX, and of course if you click any windows or any other small softwares it will be open at once. And its floopy(a disk) is great too, almost with no noise. Even when you are copying the material from it, it also cna do other operation.

If the computer in my home are having such high quality, what a great!!!!!

2 条评论

  1. dq

    It is a great,very prefact!!! But there have some wrong words.
    xrspook 对 dq 的回复: 2006-03-07 12:35:35
    Of course, at that time I nevered checked my essay, but from now on, that kinds of thing won’t happen.

  2. dq

    I aways will gave you encourage.my QQ is 251801933.If impossible i want to make frend with you .bey!
    xrspook 对 dq 的回复: 2006-03-07 12:36:24
    I’d like to.


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